Business sectors
Our business comprises the following three sectors:
- Manufacturing (Worldwide)
- Distributor (Japan domestic)
- System Provider Business (Worldwide)
Manufacturing Business (Worldwide)
FiberLabs’ business started from manufacturing. The company was founded in 2000 by a group of KDD (now KDDI) researchers as a spin-off, with a mission to commercialize fluoride-fiber-based optical instruments.
FiberLabs owns fluoride-fiber manufacturing and optical instrumentation facilities – both inherited from KDD Labs – and we have constantly grown them.
Our manufacturing business has been the largest sector for FiberLabs. Our fluoride-fiber technology and customization experience make our optical instruments very unique – they are used in R&D labs, manufacturing lines, telecom networks, and now intensively used in data centers worldwide.

Distributor Business (Japan domestic)
Our distributor business is now the second largest sector, though it initially started as a complement to the manufacturing business. The first step was a distribution of opical components that were imported for our own manufacturing purpose.
We eventually realized that our expertise – gained from R&D, manufacturing, and trading – is a very good asset for distributor business as well. We have expanded our distributor business levereging the following three strengths:
- Customer consultation ability based on deep technical knowledge (Four PhDs in photonics)
- Various optical instuments allowing local customer support (see our facility)
- Worldwide supplier network

System Provider Business (Worldwide)
The third business is a combination of the above two sectors, together with our R&D capability. The deliverable is typically a set of optical instruments sourced from several different manufacturers (including FiberLabs).
In some cases the deliverable is a report of proof-of-concept demonstration in our facilities, such that the customer can construct their system by themselves based on the report.