Fiberlabs Test Site

FiberLabs test website (for renewal)

Fluoride Fiber & Cable (6)

ZBLAN Fiber Cable

ZBLAN Fiber Cable

350 ~ 4000 nm
Product form:
Fiber Cable
Product description:
FiberLabs' AlF3-based fluoride fiber has been widely used as an optical guide for 2.94-μm Er-YAG medical laser instruments (dentistry, cosmetic surgery, etc.).
AlF3 Fluoride Fiber Cable

AlF3 Fluoride Fiber Cable

300 ~ 3500 nm
Product form:
Fiber Cable
Product description:
FiberLabs' AlF3-based fluoride fiber has been widely used as an optical guide for 2.94-μm Er-YAG medical laser instruments (dentistry, cosmetic sergery, etc.). This is because AlF3-based fluoride fiber, compared to ZBLAN fiber, shows better environmental stability in terms of laser damage thresholds and resistance against water. In addition, the trasmission loss is lower than that of GeO2 fibers at 2.94 μm.
PM-ZBLAN fiber

PM-ZBLAN fiber

350 ~ 4000 nm
Product form:
Bare Fiber
Product description:
FiberLabs' elliptical-core PM ZBLAN fiber allows maintanance of linear polarization up to 4 μm, particularly suitable for Mid-IR research where polarization is a key factor.
AlF3 Fluoride Fiber

AlF3 Fluoride Fiber

300 ~ 3500 nm
Product form:
Bare Fiber
Product description:
FiberLabs' AlF3-based fluoride fiber has been widely used as an optical guide for 2.94-μm Er-YAG medical laser instruments (dentistry, cosmetic sergery, etc.). This is because AlF3-based fluoride fiber, compared to ZBLAN fiber, shows better environmental stability in terms of laser damage thresholds and resistance against water. In addition, the trasmission loss is lower than that of GeO2 fibers at 2.94 μm.
Single-Mode ZBLAN Fiber

Single-Mode ZBLAN Fiber

1500 ~ 4000 nm
Product form:
Bare Fiber
Product description:
Single Mode ZBLAN fiber can transmit light up to 4 μm, and its dispersion can be tailored by adjusting the core size and numerical aperture. It is now most commonly used for Mid-IR supercontinuum generation, as well as femtosecond soliton generanation via Soliton Self Frequency Shift.
Double-Clad Er-Doped ZBLAN Fiber

Double-Clad Er-Doped ZBLAN Fiber

2700 ~ 3600 nm
Product form:
Bare Fiber
Product description:
favourite choice for Mid IR laser, cladding pumped by 9xx-nm MM-LD