Optical Amplifier (25)

C-band Half MSA EDFA
1530 ~ 1565 nm
Product form:
OEM module
Product description:
The GB-FMSA011-CB/CP series is a Half-MSA-size, general purpose OEM EDFA module, which offers maximum output up to 13dBm in the C-band.

O-band PDFA
1260 ~ 1340 nm
Product form:
OEM module
Product description:
The AMP-GB9620-Ox series are compact optical amplifier Gain blocks for the O-band. They can be used for many applications including Ethernet (GbE, 10 GbE, 100 GbE), FTTH, image transmission, CATV networks, and SONET/SDH systems.

L-band EDFA
1560 ~ 1610 nm
Product form:
OEM module
Product description:
The AMP-GB9001-Lx series is a general purpose L-band EDFA module, generating maximum 20-dBm output in the L-band

C-band EDFA
1525 ~ 1570 nm
Product form:
Bench Top
Product description:
The AMP- FL801x-CB series are bench-top C-band EDFA operating between 1530 and 1565 nm. The AMP-FL801x-CB-W series are for WDM signal amplification, offering excellent gain flatness across the wide band from 1525 to 1570 nm.

L-band EDFA
1560 ~ 1610 nm
Product form:
Bench Top
Product description:
The AMP- FL8001-LB series is a bench-top L-band EDFA generating maximum 23 dBm in the L-band, that will be increasingly significant in increasing the WDM system.

O-band PDFA
1260 ~ 1340 nm
Product form:
Bench Top
Product description:
The AMP-FL8611-OB series is an O-band optical fiber amplifier based on Pr doped fluoride glass fiber technology. This amplifier realized high signal gain of more than 25dB over the original communication bandwidth at around 1300nm.

1030nm-band YDFA
1020 ~ 1080 nm
Product form:
Bench Top
Product description:
The AMP-FL8521-XB-20 is an optical fiber amplifier for 1030 nm band. The amplifier has Yb-doped fiber as the gain medium and outputs 20 dBm or more over the wavelength range from 1020 to 1080 nm.

980nm-band YDFA
970 ~ 1000 nm
Product form:
Bench Top
Product description:
The AMP-FL8511 is an optical fiber amplifier using Yb-doped fiber as the gain medium. The amplifier outputs 14 dBm or more over the wavelength range from 975 to 981 nm.

850nm-band EDFA
830 ~ 860 nm
Product form:
Bench Top
Product description:
The AMP-FL8401 is optical fiber amplifier utilizing fluoride fiber technologies. It is the optical fiber amplifier which amplified the difficult signal of 850nm band for the first time in the world.

L-band High-Power EDFA
1575 ~ 1600 nm
Product form:
Bench Top
Product description:
The AMP-FL8005-LB series is a high power EDFA (EYDFA) for the L-band between 1575 and 1600 nm with output power up to 2 W. PM version is also available.