Fiberlabs Test Site

FiberLabs test website (for renewal)


ZBLAN Fiber Cable

ZBLAN Fiber Cable

350 ~ 4000 nm
Product form:
Fiber Cable
Product description:
FiberLabs' AlF3-based fluoride fiber has been widely used as an optical guide for 2.94-μm Er-YAG medical laser instruments (dentistry, cosmetic surgery, etc.).
PM-ZBLAN fiber

PM-ZBLAN fiber

350 ~ 4000 nm
Product form:
Bare Fiber
Product description:
FiberLabs' elliptical-core PM ZBLAN fiber allows maintanance of linear polarization up to 4 μm, particularly suitable for Mid-IR research where polarization is a key factor.
Single-Mode ZBLAN Fiber

Single-Mode ZBLAN Fiber

1500 ~ 4000 nm
Product form:
Bare Fiber
Product description:
Single Mode ZBLAN fiber can transmit light up to 4 μm, and its dispersion can be tailored by adjusting the core size and numerical aperture. It is now most commonly used for Mid-IR supercontinuum generation, as well as femtosecond soliton generanation via Soliton Self Frequency Shift.
Double-Clad Er-Doped ZBLAN Fiber

Double-Clad Er-Doped ZBLAN Fiber

2700 ~ 3600 nm
Product form:
Bare Fiber
Product description:
favourite choice for Mid IR laser, cladding pumped by 9xx-nm MM-LD